Sort findings per rule category, or per source files of their origin 将每个规则目录或者源文件的结果进行排序
If by inadvertence a rule of origin has not been provided, the member concerned shall provide it immediately after this fact becomes known. 如一原产地规则因疏忽未予提供,则有关成员应在认识到此事实后立即提交。
Practicing of Rule of Origin in Service Trade under Regional Economic Integration 服务贸易领域的原产地规则在区域经济一体化进程中的应用
The hydroforming process and the forming rule has been analysed, the choice of the expanding medium, the confirmation of the origin tube size, the material forming capability, the implement method of tube hydroforming of has been investigated. 分析了异形管液压成形过程和成形规律,研究了胀形介质的选择、原始管坯尺寸的确定、管材的成形性能、液压成形工艺的实施方法等关键技术问题。
The Thinking That Constructs To The Protection System And Rule In The Country Of Origin 原产地保护制度及规则构筑之思路
Aristotle is the synthesizer of ancient Greece rule of law and the founder of afterworld theory of rule of law. His thought has constituted the origin of modern theory about rule of law, which is great significance in fostering a culture of the rule of law. 亚里士多德作为古希腊法治思想的集大成者和后世法治理论的奠基人,其法治思想已经构成了现代法治理论的起源,对于培育法治文化有着重大的借鉴意义。
What Does Rule of Law Mean? Origin, Admonition and Value 法治是什么&渊源、规诫与价值
This is the objective of the thesis, trying to find a way to describe the rule of the development in material aesthetics through comparison and analysis on the origin of different local cultures. 本文在这里,企图通过对不同地域文化差异根源的比较和分析,寻找到可以为人所掌握的物质艺术发展规律。
This article summarizes the surplus oil origin and the distributed rule, and introduces research technique of the surplus oil distribution, Finally simply narrated the surplus oil origin's difficulty and the development of the surplus oil's distribution rule. 本文总结剩余油的成因及分布规律,并且介绍剩余油分布研究方法,最后简单阐述了剩余油的成因的难点和剩余油分布规律研究的发展方向。
Although rule of origin on the Free Trade Area gain an increasing public concerns, there is still lack of the analysis of applicability. 虽然自由贸易区原产地规则日益受到人们的关注,但是对它的适用性研究及作用分析还很缺乏。
However, any rule is far from perfect at the beginning, just as there is no special rule and guide for Rules of Origin in the early GATT. 然而任何规则不是一开始就是周备的完美的,正如货物原产地规则在最初的GATT中并没有任何特别的规则和指南。